2023 Membership Survey Greetings Members, Your board of directors requires your valued feedback regarding two topics, our Radiogram publication, and the 2024 SPERDVAC Convention. Name Topic #1 Radiogram Publication Method and Schedule Constantly escalating printing and mailing costs have made our eleven times-a-year distribution of the ‘Radiogram’ virtually unsustainable. Submitted for your approval, select which of the four options is most agreeable to you. 1) Radiogram moves from 11 times a year to Bi-Monthly (six times a year) 2) Radiogram increases the number of pages but moves to once per quarter (four times a year) 3) Radiogram paper copy is discontinued and replaced with email PDF distribution. 4) Radiogram print version is included for Gold and Platinum Members, Silver Level Membership would receive the email version. Topic #2 SPERDVAC Convention Our SPERDVAC 50th Anniversary 2024 Convention will be held for all our members and to honor all those who have supported our organization over the years. Please let us know your thoughts on the following topics. Which location would you be most likely to attend? Costa Mesa, California (Hotel) Las Vegas, Nevada (Hotel) 3-Day SPERDVAC Convention Cruise Would you be more likely to attend an event held? Thursday-Sunday Sunday-Wednesday I am willing to donate in addition to the registration fee to support the convention. Choose Yes No I am interested in a Premium VIP Package (Celebrity meet and greet, VIP seating, Autographed photos/photo opportunities, limited rehearsal seating, etc.) Choose Yes No Which type of panels/presentations would you want to attend? Relatives of classic radio stars Histories of classic radio programs/entertainers Research on classic radio shows (e.g., The Suspense Project or The Lost Jack Benny Scripts) Special Screenings of selected treasures from the SPERDVAC Video Vault. Panels for SPERDVAC preservation activities and acquiring uncirculated programs. Musical groups performing in the style of the classic radio era? Recreations of Classic Radio Episodes with Special Guests New Audio Theater shows performed by special guests. I would be willing to participate as a convention volunteer or the following, 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours or more. If we have missed something, please provide your thoughts Send